USB Products

USB Device Stack
The smxUSBD device stack permits easy connection of embedded devices to PCs and other USB hosts. It enables an embedded device to emulate a standard USB device, such as a USB disk drive or a USB serial port. smxUSBD has been optimized for use with the SMX® RTOS, our proprietary embedded operating system, but it can be ported to other RTOSs or it can run stand-alone. smxUSBD interfaces to different hardware via a well-defined hardware integration layer. Its modular design, ANSI-C compatibility, and full source code give customers the flexibility to easily add smxUSBD to their applications. 90 days of technical support is included in the purchase price.
smxUSBD is USB 2.0 compliant. It supports high speed (480 Mb/s), full speed (12 Mb/s), and low speed (1.5 Mb/s), and it supports all four USB data transfer modes: bulk, control, interrupt, and isochronous. smxUSBD was designed for embedded systems; it has small enough RAM and flash footprints to run in on-chip memory in many microcontrollers. It also offers good performance on small microcontrollers. These features minimize the bill of materials cost for using smxUSBD in an embedded design.
The purpose of an embedded USB device stack is to enable an embedded device to be conveniently connected to a USB host, such as a PC or a laptop. Normally it is desirable to emulate a standard USB device so that standard PC software can be used, and it is not necessary to develop a custom Windows, Mac OS, or Linux driver. Emulation is done by a function driver on the device stack. smxUSBD offers an extensive family of function drivers (see sidebar), which allows a connection method to be chosen that is most appropriate for the intended purpose – e.g. uploading or downloading data, configuration, etc. All of these function drivers are available now and more are under development. In addition, templates are available to generate custom drivers for proprietary USB connections.
In order to offer out-of-the-box solutions, we provide an extensive family of USB device controller drivers that support a wide variety of USB device controllers – see sidebar. See the processors charts for details on specific processor support. Additional USB device controller drivers are under development and templates are available for custom drivers.
For further information on smxUSBD and USB hosts see:
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